Membership Frequent Q & A
Q: I have moved offices/brokerages. How do I update the change on the MLS?
A: After you have completed the change on TREC, please complete an Office Transfer Form.
Q: I need to update my contact information on my Info Hub profile. How do I update the information?
A: Send an email to the MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT at with the updated contact information.
Q: How do I request a Letter of Good Standing?
A: Email your request to the MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT at
Q: I forgot my Info Hub password, who do I contact?
A: Please contact the MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT at or call at (915)779-3521 Option 1
Multiple Listing Services (MLS) Frequent Q & A
Q: How do I transfer MLS Listings from my old office to my new office?
A: You would need to complete an MLS Listing Transfer Form. Once the form is completed, email the form to the MLS DEPARTMENT at
Q: I need a correction to be made on an MLS Listing, who do I contact?
A: For any corrections, extensions, or help with an MLS Listing, please contact the MLS DEPARTMENT. You can email the department at or call at (915)779-3521 extension 3
Q: How do I apply for an MLS Waiver?
A: Email the MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT for the MLS Waiver form, and email the completed form to
The form will be submitted for approval to the MLS Board of Directors. Please remember that if you do not qualify for the MLS Waiver, the form will be denied by the Board. The MLS waiver is completed on a yearly basis.
Q: Where can I find the MLS rules and regulations?
A: The rules and regulations can be found on under the MEMBERSHIP Tab. Click MLS Tools found under the MEMBERSHIP Tab.
Q: I forgot my MLS login password, who do I contact for help?
A: Please call the MLS DEPARTMENT at (915)779-3521 extension 3 and they will assist you.

Finance Frequent Q & A
Q: How much are the Quarterly Fees? When are the fees due?
A: MLS Services every quarter are $132.19 while the SentriKey services are $55.21. You will receive two invoices every quarter with the exception of 4th Quarter, where you will receive 3 invoices. To know when upcoming billing is due, you can find the FEE SCHEDULE on under the MEMBERSHIP Tab.
Q: If I have questions on my billing, who do I contact?
A: For any questions on your invoices or upcoming billing, please contact the FINANCE DEPARTMENT at (915)779-3521 option 2 or email
Q: How do I pay my invoices?
A: You can pay your invoices/billing on your Info Hub Account or you can call the FINANCE DEPARTMENT.
Q: How do I manage Auto Pay on my account?
A: Log into your Info Hub Account and go to your My Billing Info Section and open the Autopay & Billing tab. Click Manage AutoPay button to add or edit your autopayments.
To remove a stored payment, you can click on the trashcan icon next to your stored payment profile.
To disable Autopay and cancel scheduled payments for upcoming billing, click on Autopay from My Billing Info and then click on Manage Autopay. Then choose Disable.
From the Payment tab of My Billing Info, select the Actions by invoice with the scheduled payment. Cancel Payment.